
I am Collin. I am a fun loving person. My main motive is to try to make everybody laugh through this blog. I want to make everybody happy in this world. I hope you all will enjoy my blog and at least forget all your pains and sorrows for sometimes.

Monday, June 14, 2010

One And Only Love

At a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfriend. "Don't you want her name engraved upon it?" asked the jeweler. The young man thought for a moment, and then, ever the pragmatic, steadfastly replied,

"No, just engrave it: To My One And Only Love. That way, if we break up and she throws it back to me in anger, I can use it again."


Unknown said...

hahaha pfftt..collin thanks for visiting me and I appreciate the get well wish and concern.You're a good friend dear..hugs.

collin said...

My pleasure dear.
Take Care. :)